Find personal fulfillment, as you fulfill your life-purpose!
Hi, I’m Martin Trench,
I'd love to help you become the person, disciple, and leader that God has called you to be, that you WANT to be, and that others need you to be. It’s all about continual, incremental growth - spiritually (in your faith), personally (in your life), and vocationally (in your ministry - whether fulltime or volunteer). Look around this website, and feel free to contact me* if I can help in any way.
Contact MeCourses and Coaching

Current Course
Eyes Wide Open
If you are a pursuer of mysteries, secrets, and hidden things, and you feel that the Bible contains all kinds of hidden secrets that are ignored or overlooked or even unknown by religious people. Then this course is for you!

Current Mentorship Opportunity
Now is the time to revitalize, rebuild, & relaunch your church!
2022 was our first “post-pandemic” year. Many churches have closed forever and many are on the brink of closing or struggling to survive, while others will reposition themselves to THRIVE … if God has called you to Lead, NOW is your time!
9 week course - available now
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