Coaching Courses:
Ever been reading a book and wished you could ask the author some questions? That’s what our Coaching-Courses are all about!
These video courses include the following:
- A set of 6+ videos of Martin Trench teaching live
- Bonus videos, articles, and graphics for further study
- An Ebook of the book we are studying (paperback available from Amazon)
- A Workbook to apply what you are learning to your life
- A private Facebook Group with others taking the course
- 6 weekly Facebook Live calls with Martin Trench for discussion and Q&A.

Take Your Church to the Next Level!
Revitalise your congregation and break your next growth barrier.

Discover Your Life Purpose
and find true fulfilment.
Coming Soon!

Secrets of Spiritual Growth
Knowing where you are, and what comes next.
Coming Soon!

Victorious Eschatology
God’s Advancing Kingdom
Coming Soon!

Learning to Lead
In life, faith, and ministry
Coming Soon!
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